NLP Coach Program

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NLP Coach Program

Certified Comprehensive NLP Practitioner (Basic + Master) Cum Certified NLP Coach Program (Duration: 8 Days)

NLP Coach Program

This is a comprehensive 8-Day NLP workshop to learn and apply all the contents, exercises and practical approach of NLP. It covers each topic from the beginning and trains you to not only practice for yourself but also coach and train people you care about.

This workshop is highly suitable for the people looking for the best out of NLP in shortest period of time. It is useful for students, teachers, parents, chairpersons, youth, couples, professionals, sales personnel, businesspersons, doctors, lawyers, homeopaths, sportspersons, senior citizens, and individuals who wish to start their career as a trainer or coach.

Why whole NLP in one go? Why not in parts????

How would you like to watch a movie to enjoy it better? Five scenes today, another five scenes three months later, and rest six months later? Will you be able to understand it well? OR, the whole movies in one go? Naturally, the whole movies in one go.
Since our brain learns faster and better when it has continuous links, we get better learning when we learn anything in continuation without a long break.
Reasons as to why you should opt for this NLP training program only...
Here are the unique benefits that you get when you complete this eight day NLP training program over others:

Complete and wide coverage of NLP and its application in one go:

You get a chance to learn each topic from the beginning and learn it to the level where you become master NLP Practitioner and a trainer simultaneously. We cover more topics than others.

Chance to heal and transform yourself:

You not only get the best complete NLP training (NLP Basic Practitioner +NLP Master Practitioner) but also you have a chance to transform your life completely during this training. You will get rid of your unwanted behaviours, emotional burden, uncontrolled habits and will develop new beliefs, explore new personal potential and create unlimited vision for your goals.

Dual Certification:

After you complete this training program, you will be awarded with two certificates; one: Master Practitioner in Applied Fundamentals of NLP, and the other: Certified Coach of Applied Fundamentals of NLP.

Time saving and cost-effective:

You cover the it in just eight days and saves time and money.

Continuous learning support:

NLP is an art, and you become expert only when you have enough exposure. In the journey of learning NLP and heading for perfection, you need a mentor who can guide you regularly. If you are my participant, you can attend my training programs as many times as possible FREE OF COST (You need to pay the food expenses if any).

Here lie the day-wise-course-details of the Eight–Day NLP Coach program.
Details of NLP Coach Program

Day One:

1. NLP; Introduction (Basics of NLP and human mind made simple)
Definition of NLP, What does NLP do, Conscious/Unconscious mind, Pillars of NLP, Ecology, Sensory acuity (Use your senses to find the result) & Calibration, Congruence/Incongruence, Presuppositions.

2. State of mind (The key to your success/happiness/wellness in each area of life)
What is an Emotional state? Components of a state, Deletion, Distortion and Generalization, How we create a state, Relation between human behavior and state, Crucial distinctions, Resourceful and Unresourceful States, How to change a state: Physiology and Personal Internal Representation.

Day Two:

3. Rapport (Set rapport in 90 seconds and build your trust in others’ mind for better and personal and professional results)
What is rapport? Three components of communication, How to build rapport by matching and mirroring, Learning Pacing and leading,

4. Anchoring (Take control of the triggers for uncontrolled behaviors and unwanted habits effortlessly, also create the triggers for confidence, motivation and happiness)
What is Anchoring? Procedure for setting an Anchor, Stacking Anchors, Chaining Anchors, How to get rid of addiction/bad habits using anchoring, How to come out of unwanted emotional setback with the help of Anchoring.

5. Outcomes (Set and achieve compelling life goals wisdom fully without being stressed)
Outcomes vs. Goals, Outcomes vs. Task, Problem thinking vs. Outcome thinking, Outcome Thinking Questions, Structure of Outcomes, Evaluating Present State, Desired State and the Resource, Beliefs and Outcomes, Hurdles in achieving outcomes, Outcomes and Affirmations.

Day Three:

6. Modalities/Sub modalities (Human transformational technology made simple; Change what you don’t want at the level on Unconscious; Get what you want in life in an instant)
What are sub modalities?, Checklist of modalities, Sub-modalities; Digital or Analogue, Critical sub modalities, How to elicit sub modalities, Sub-modalities Contrastive Analysis, Changing Sub modalities, Swiish, Fast Phobia technique, Deleting unwanted negative memories, Circle of Excellence, Building positive beliefs, Curing allergy, Speeding up your healing power for any disease.

Day Four:

7. Preferred Representational System (How we human beings represent the world in our mind; Look at the eyes, breath and words that anybody uses and get a sense of what goes in his mind)
Senses, Recognizing visuals/Auditories/Kinesthetics, Predicates for different Representational system; Get a sense how visual/auditory/kinesthetic people, managers and client produce their behavior.

8. Time Line (Take control of your ‘background’ to redesign your ‘foreground’)
What is a Time Line? How to elicit Time Line? In-Time vs. Through Time, How to change the timeline? Getting out of your past trauma through timeline mastery, Master Time-Management through Time line and make difference in your professional life.

9. Value Hierarchy (Exploring deep mind programming of the choices that you make)
What are values, Exploring values, Creating alignment among our top values; Why some people offer their life for a cause and why others do otherwise in the same context. Understand one of the most significant ‘causes’ of human behavior.

Day Five:

10. Learning/Problem Solving (The most significant learning comes when we learn to see the things from a different Point of View. Find New Point of Views for better results. Learn your inner alignment of motivation and ultimate life wellness)
What is learning?, Levels of Learning, Learning Zone, Boredom Zone, Anxiety Zone, Simple Learning / Generative Learning, Neurological Levels/Alignment, Perceptual Positions, Exploring Relationship, Developing Effective Meeting Pattern; Check your Neurological Alignment for Happiness, Wealth, Wellness, Relationship, Motivation and Business Excellence.

11. Metaphors (Listen to your inner mind closely; it uniquely says or shows you something for everything)
What are metaphors, how metaphors design our world, How to utilize the amazing power of metaphors, See closely what metaphor you have for (a) life (b) relationship (c) wellness (money/wealth), (d) future. Create new metaphors for better life.

Day Six:

12. Reframing (Redesigning your world; Find ways to release yourself and others from mental slavery)
What is Reframing? What are NLP frames? What are NLP outcome Frames, Part Integration (Bringing the conflicting groups together and create an agreement frame, Six Step Reframing (Separating behavior from the intention and creating new options that result in a win-win for both sides), Using Reframing for corporate/Business excellence by bringing dysfunctional teams together, Using Reframing for resolving psychosomatic diseases.

13. Strategies (Revealing why we do whatever we do; the inner programming & reprogramming)
What is a strategy? What is syntax? Essential Ingredients of a strategy, Main Categories of strategy, What is modeling?, How to elicit a strategy?, Strategy Notations, Find your different strategy for depression, motivation etc, Installing a strategy, New Behavior Generator, The Walt Disney Creative Strategy for unlimited creativity for your personal and professional growth, Quitting smoking, eating addiction, Exploring the strategies of learning-disability/dyslexia and solve it for students,

Day Seven:

14. Meta Model (Be the master of verbal communication; Overcoming verbal objections and get to real issues; Influence people with your precision questioning)
What is Meta-Model? What does Meta-Model do?, Different levels of language, Language Pattern of Deletion, Language Pattern of Distortion, Language Pattern of Generalization

15. Hypnotic Language (Power of Artfully unclear language; Put people in hypnotic trance and talk to their ‘unconscious mind’ directly)
What is hypnotic language? Why is it used? What are Downtime/ Uptime activities?, Three phases of Milton Model, How to use hypnotic language in everyday conversation and give command to unconscious mind.

Day Eight:

16. Sensory Rich Language (Power of sensory-engaging language)
What is sensory language? Why to use sensory language? Shortcut to using sensory rich language, The art of engaging people’s sense through sensory language for effective communication.

17. Meta Programs (Exploring the hidden human motivational ‘Hot Buttons’; Meta Programs are strong influence on our behavior and personality)
What are Meta Programs? How to recognize and pace them? Making the best use of Meta Programs in developing sales, leadership and enhance productivity.

Opportunities @ NLP
Come and join hands; You can change the world!

The world is changing fast. People are looking for a number of trainings and workshops to explore their inner skills. Students want more confidence, concentration and motivation; corporate executives want more skills to be more productive; sportspersons are looking for mind-trainers to retain their form; couples are looking for better relationship; sales people want better selling skills; and we all need better emotional and mental health in this century.
This all creates big opportunity for an individual to start an enriching career in the field of training, life coaching and mentoring.
You can start your career as an NLP trainer or can join as an event coordinator in your city.

You may lose your money, motivation and time in the name of ‘Certificate’...
The truth about NLP certificates....

Certificates are nice.
You can hang them up on your wall.
Hopefully, they come from a reputable organization.
However, the point of NLP isn’t about getting the certification.
Although that does help.
NLP is about applying the techniques, attitudes, and mindsets you learn.
You can get every certification imaginable from certified NLP Practitioner all the way to Master Trainer.
But if you don’t do anything with the knowledge, then you’re wasting your time.
A person with no certifications that actually practices NLP will be way better off than someone with a bunch of certifications and no real-world experience.
Treat the certification as a means and not an end.

A number of times we come across enquiries from the would-be participants or trainers. They ask us about the NLP certificates.
They ask us about NLP certification because they think that they stand good chance of in the field of training if they have certification. Their concern does not hold any weight.

Before you join any training or course, Be aware with the facts of ‘certification’ in NLP.

1. You need to understand that there is no regulatory body that designs any standardized NLP course or conducts any authentic exam or test on NLP around the world.
2. There is no standard syllabus that you need to qualify be get the tag like ‘Basic Practitioner’, ‘Master Practitioner’ or ‘Trainer’. People designed according to their whims and fancies.
3. When people offer your certain certification, they only give you a certificate of participation. Also this certificate has neither any legal authenticity nor any binding or obligation on the giver too. Neither Indian government nor state governments nor any other constitutional body recognizes these certificates.
4. Some trainers invest more energy in selling their programs on higher fees in the name of these certificates than thinking of quality training at right price.

Before you invest your hard-earned money and time: Find out

1. Find out who the trainer is and what his course contents are. Has he designed the syllabus well or is he keeping you in dark? Check his day-wise or session-wise program.
2. Find out the trainer’s quality of delivery. Remember; delivery is most important in NLP as NLP is more an art than mere a subject. So, check if the trainer has put a number of videos on internet or has he uploaded only selected videos just to promote his training.
3. Find out whether the trainer is competent to make this subject as simple as possible. Only then you can understand it. Many trainers don’t have any organised course contents and thus make NLP as complicated as a rocket science (and participants make a belief that it is too complicated). While it is not.
4. Find out what if you don’t learn any topic well; does the trainer provide you future support? Or you need to pay him every time?
5. Find out how many trainers have been trained by this trainer; talk to those trainer and find out the true picture of the trainer otherwise you will waste your money and time in the name of a piece of paper.
6. If you are planning to start you career as an NLP coach, find out how your trainer can help you design NLP workshop for you.
7. Check who is the certificate issuing authority; the trainer itself or some of his godfathers. If it is the case, check the quality of the trainer properly or you may end up as a loser.


It is the knowledge and the delivery of yours that make you the real NLP trainer; and never the piece of paper, no matter whosoever is signing it. Everybody pays you for your skill and results. So get trained well to lead well...

For any further suggestion:
just give me a call now at 07617777911, 08755514349

or email at:



How can I take NLP Training?

Professions using NLP include Salespeople, Business Executives, Managers, Business Owners, Lawyers, Teachers, Trainers, Counselors, Educators, Doctors, Consultants, Hypno-therapists, Psychologists, Athletes, Cricketers, Entertainers and Performers. Regardless of profession, the majority of NLP participants are searching, and finding, better and more effective ways to increase their performance and improve their effectiveness. Individuals who are seriously pursuing their personal &/or professional excellence.

How can I benefit from NLP training?

Excellence and mastery are the outcomes of the choices we have; also wisdom comes from having multiple perspectives. With NLP, you’ll perceive and have more choices and new perspectives available in the world around you - helping you to be more effective and in control. NLP techniques focus on the thought processes to improve the quality and effectiveness of your performance and thus influence your behavior. It identifies uses and changes patterns in these thoughts so that you become more resourceful. NLP simply helps you move from mediocrity to excellence.

Some common & easily attained benefits from NLP training are:

  • Quick rapport building with people
  • Eliciting the core of any information
  • Discovery or reinforcement of your purpose in life
  • Resolution of self-sabotage and inner conflicts
  • Turning limiting beliefs into empowering ones
  • The ability to influence and motivate people
  • Managing your emotions and personal composure
  • Overcoming unproductive and unhealthy habits, such as procrastination, smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, over-eating etc.
  • Powerful coaching skills to assist others in achieving their goals
  • Expanded belief of what is possible for you

And much more...

Using NLP techniques, your personal growth and happiness and professional success will be consistent, and much more predictable. Your effectiveness working with others will be dramatically increased. Your ability to empower yourself for optimum results will be enhanced. You will be able to generate empowering emotional states within yourself any and every time, eliminate any negative emotions or limiting decisions, identify and change limiting beliefs, inspire yourself with a compelling future that will have much better chances of creating patterns of excellence from any role model you choose. Whether you're already succeeding in your profession, or having some difficulties, or transitioning into a new position, NLP can help you achieve, maintain and enhance excellence.

Learn NLP

How does Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) work?

NLP’s basic premise is that the human brain functions similarly to a computer, which executes 'programs' or mental strategies in ordered sequences of instructions (or internal representations). NLP specifically and objectively measures and identifies the physiological state and mental strategies a person is using at any point in time, and provides specific means to change and improve the mental and physiological state of the person.

How will a professional make the best use of NLP?

With NLP managers and entrepreneurs will learn to use the information to develop strong teamwork and relationships, reframe the negative experiences and foster positive interpersonal skills. Negotiations and problem solving sessions are enhanced to create solution-oriented, win-win approaches

NLP Training for Mental Health Professionals:

They learn new skills and techniques to reach the core of problem through a number of NLP techniques and gain additional insights into helping clients make the changes that support their own process of healing.

NLP Training for Cricketers, Players & Sportspersons:

They learn to find their lost ‘form’ or ‘zone’, overcome any fear or phobia that may restrict their performance. They also learn to know how to model the patterns of excellence of your role model to get desired results.

NLP Training for Medical Professionals:

They learn techniques to build trust and better ways to elicit information from clients, and to help the client be more comfortable with and receptive to treatment, thus making them more resourceful and supporting them to heal in a more responsive fashion.

NLP Training for Physiotherapists:

They learn effective verbal and psychological skills that will reinforce healing and relaxation. Communicate with confidence and begin to facilitate powerful healing by understanding the psychosomatic relationship between their client's state of mental well-being and physical health.

NLP Training for Lawyers, Entertainers, and Parents

In fact anyone who interacts with people in any capacity, or desires personal enhancement, can definitely benefit by learning NLP.

NLP Training for Students:

They learn to create resourceful state for their studies, retain their syllabus for long time, improve memory, handle their personal issues and enhance scoring abilities. They learn to create interest in your studies also overcome examination phobia and stress.

NLP Training for Sales Professionals and MLM (multi level marketing) leaders:

They learn to build strong rapport, elicit & fulfill the criteria & values of clients, and develop effective strategies for handling buyer’s remorse or future objections so that the sales is long-term & mutually satisfying. With the mastery of NLP language patterns, you will be able to sell with an irresistible influence.

NLP Training for Trainers, Coaches & Educators:

They learn new paradigms for inspiring and engaging students, and effective techniques to deal with a challenging learning environment. You will be able to identify your own, and your students' learning strategies and thinking preferences. This will enable you to develop a more effective delivery.

NLP Training for Artists including Singers, Musicians, Writers & Actors:

They overcome inner blocks and enhance creativity. Learn specific skills that will help you promote yourself and your work as a professional. You will learn how to connect to your unlimited inner resource and accelerate your abilities to express, create and perform.

Present State + Appropriate Resources --> Desired State (Goal)

Whether you’re already succeeding in your profession, having some difficulties, transitioning into a new position or starting in a new industry, NLP techniques can help you achieve, maintain and enhance excellence. While these trainings bring you closer to achieving your professional goals, you will find that the “Life Skills” you learn will dramatically affect every aspect of your life positively. You will experience significant improvement in your relationship with others and most important, yourself.

Why NLP Training, when you can read a book?

NLP can only be mastered experientially. People may present very similar problems or behaviors, but each person has a different psychological make-up and way of viewing the world. NLP Training gives you hands-on competence to deal with each unique situation confidently.

How will NLP training and trainer guide me?

NLP training will guide you to Practice your new skills with ‘live subjects’, understand how we create our ‘subjective reality’ grow from strength to strength with fellow participants, as you share discoveries and enrich yourself customize your NLP techniques to fit each unique individual get immediate, quality feedback from the trainer and the participants All this can only be possible when you work with “live clients” in the training sessions under your coach.

Can NLP solve the challenges in your life that seem difficult to overcome?

Yes, it can. You’ll be pleased to find out that it really can be easy to overcome these challenges. Once you have an understanding about the impact of your past on your current reality and the right NLP tools, you can create the life that you want. NLP will guide you through specific process to help you get the results that you want. If you’re not getting what you want in life, an important first step is to look inward - because when you change, your world will change. You can eliminate thoughts that aren’t getting you where you want to go, and be drawn every step of the way towards the future you choose. It really can be easy when you are shown how.